The next Paddling Pasco kayak and canoe trip is now planned for Sunday, February 19th. We will be launching at Oelsner Park again and this time going up river all the way to Grey’s Preserve on Plathe Road. The trip should take between 2.25 to 2.75 hours and we may take a short stop at Sims Park to stretch. First part of the trip we will discuss some history of the area and see a variety of life styles along the river. Once we get to Francis Avenue Park nature tries to take over and we will be viewing a bit of old Florida and hopefully some wildlife.
Itinerary: Drop boats off at Oelsner Park by 8:30 am and drive to Grey’s Preserve and park your vehicle. Last shuttle will leave Grey’s Preserve, going to Oelsner Park at 9 am. We plan to launch by 9:30 am.
To register please call the Pasco County Parks and Recreation Department at 727-834-3278 or 813-929-2760 with the following information: interest and level of commitment, number of paddlers, provide contact # and email, how many will be riding the shuttle (logistics is a big issue if a lot of paddlers register).
· Please bring a completed waiver with you on the day of the trip and turn it in.
· Look for emails on the Thursday or Friday before the trip for important information, such as cancellation due to severe weather.
· We still have some Paddling Pasco T-shirts with logo on front and logo and map on the back for $10. Please advise if you want one when you register. Funds go into a donation account to support this program.
· Rentals may be available if there is a significant interest by calling Down South Kite and Paddle at 727-771-5484 or Windsong at 727-859-0213. All arrangements must be made with these two outfitters.
· Any questions, please let us know.