Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pasco County Flood Warning Update - July 18

The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a Flood Warning for Pasco County near the Anclote River at Elfers and Cypress Creek at Worthington Gardens in Zephyrhills. According to the NWS the Anclote flood stage will rise above the minor stage level of 20 feet this evening. The NWS states the river at Cypress Creek at Worthington Gardens will rise two feet (10.1) above the minor flood stage level through Friday.

The County’s Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) at 4444 Grand Avenue (Corner of Grand and Trouble Creek Road), New Port Richey is open to assist residents. It’s open Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sunday noon to 6:00 p.m. In addition, the Resident Information Center (RIC) is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following questions are frequently asked through the RIC’s information line at (727) 847-8959:
  • Where can I go to get sandbags? Sand and bags are available at the Land O’ Lakes Recreation Center (3032 Collier Pkwy), Warder Road Public Works Facility (30906 Warder Rd., San Antonio, open 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) and the Public Works Administration building (7536 State St., New Port Richey). The facility is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please bring a shovel.
  • If I have damage from the recent afternoon thunderstorms can I apply for Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) aid? Yes, according to FEMA you may be eligible for assistance. Please register with FEMA at (800) 621-FEMA (3362).
  • Is there public transportation to the DRC? Yes, Pasco County Public Transportation Route 18 on Grand Boulevard has a bus stop and it’s located approximately 250 feet from the DRC.
Citizens are encouraged to follow the updated services online at On the site residents can register their damages and receive more information on storm debris collection. In addition, follow updates on Pasco County TV, Brighthouse 622 or Verizon 42, and like us on Facebook at Bringing Opportunities Home.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Tropical Storm Debby - Storm Debris Removal Info

Pasco County and/or Grubbs Emergency Services, LLC, will begin picking up storm debris on Monday, July 9, starting in the Hudson area and gradually moving south to Elfers, Holiday and the Trinity area.  Debris pick up will last approximately 4 to 5 weeks, leaving citizens ample time to dispose of items that are water damaged.

Officials ask residents to separate storm-related debris from regular trash and put the debris in the public right of way. Limbs and branches, appliances and construction material such as carpeting should be separated. Residents of gated communities should place debris outside the gates in the public right of way. Hazardous waste should not be taken to the curb.

For information, call the county's Resident Information Center at (727) 847-8959 during weekday business hours.

For general storm-recovery information, visit

Thursday, July 5, 2012

FEMA Disaster Relief - Tropical Storm Debby

Tropical Storm Debby survivors in Florida’s Baker, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Franklin, Hernando, Highlands, Pasco, Pinellas, Suwannee and Wakulla counties can apply now for federal disaster assistance. Money for temporary housing and essential home repairs not covered by insurance is available. Renters, homeowners and business owners may register for help through the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

If you live in one of the designated counties and sustained losses or damages from Tropical Storm Debby, you can register with FEMA by one of the following methods:
  • Call 800-621-FEMA (3362), which is video relay service accessible. Assistance is available in most languages and lines are open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time, seven days a week. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and use a TTY, call 800-462-7585.
  • Go online to
  • By smartphone or tablet, use the FEMA app or go to
FEMA will ask for the following information:
  • The telephone number where you can be reached;
  • The address where you lived at the time of the disaster and the address where you are staying;
  • Your Social Security number;
  • A general description of damage to your property and other losses;
  • The name of your insurance company and policy number or agent if you have property insurance; and
  • Your bank account routing information if you want FEMA to use direct deposit.
Federal disaster assistance helps eligible applicants with temporary housing, uninsured personal property losses and medical, dental and funeral expenses caused by the disaster, along with other disaster-related expenses and serious needs.

Low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration are also available to help with residential and business losses not covered by insurance. Survivors and businesses may obtain
information on SBA disaster loan applications by calling 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 for people who are deaf or hard of hearing) or online at They may also apply for disaster loans electronically from SBA’s website at

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

5th of July Fireworks!

Dade City has rescheduled its Sparklebration fireworks display to TONIGHT, Thursday, July 5, since last night's fireworks were abruptly interrupted due to a staff member's injury shortly after they began.

Gates open at 6 p.m. and admission is FREE!  Food and entertainment will be available. The fireworks will begin at 9:15.